Book now for your free consultation with Lynne, Flourish’s RHS-qualified owner - we’re the local, independent, gardening service dedicated to brightening gardens in East Dulwich and nearby neighbourhoods.
'Flowers always make people happier; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul'
Luther Burbank
Your garden is good for you
A garden isn't just something to admire from the kitchen window. With a bit of love and attention from Flourish, your outdoor space is somewhere that feels good to be.

Make your garden a haven of tranquility that’s bursting with the colours and scents of beautiful plants. A place to sit with a book and a contented smile (research has made the link between good health and being outdoors).

Bring your garden to life as an extension of your home. Fill it with the sounds of family and friends enjoying time outdoors: games, barbecues, clinking glasses and long summer evenings that stretch memorably into the night.

Your garden isn’t just for you. It’s an oasis to share with London’s wildlife. Flourish can make your garden a bigger draw for bird species, bees and pollinating insects (interacting with nature is good for our health too, the scientists say).

Outdoor space comes at a hefty premium in the capital. So it makes sense to make the most of its potential. A beautiful garden that complements your home can only add to the value of your property and make it more appealing to future buyers.